Greetings, new Seniors! Please take a few minutes to respond to the following student survey. Answers are confidential and will not be shared with your classmates. Responses should be submitted by Friday, September 5, 2014. Thanks! Click the link below to begin:
Well folks, the "dreaded" day is inching ever closer to fruition. The day when summer freedoms are replaced by far-too-early iPhone alarms (#teamGalaxy!) and the smell of un-cracked notebooks and yet-to-be-sharpened pencils. The first few days of summer vacation are filled with such an overwhelming sense of undiscovered possibility that the last few days of summer break can't help but feel like the closing chapter of a book that's so good you don't want it to end. But with each ending comes a new beginning, and for you folks, senior year is just that-- movement towards a new beginning, outside the confines of everything you've ever known in adolescence. Maybe that's why I like teaching seniors so much. You've got so much to look forward to in school and beyond.
Over the course of this year we'll be doing a TON of reading and writing and viewing and blogging and tweeting and analyzing. YOU WILL GET OUT OF OUR CLASS WHATEVER YOU PUT INTO OUR CLASS. And to prove that to you, I offer this gift: a starting grade of 100. Yes, as of this moment, YOU have a ONE HUNDRED IN 12th GRADE ENGLISH!!! The catch? No catch. IT'S YOURS TO KEEP OR YOURS TO LOSE!
ARRIVE ON TIME. On time does NOT mean as the bell rings. On time means that you are in your seat and working on the Do Now by the time the bell rings.
BE PREPARED. It's not just a slogan for Boy Scouts. Being prepared for class means being on time, having your required supplies, and exhibiting a positive attitude. If you are not prepared you are not able to fully participate. Don't ask me for a pen. Don't ask me if you can go get a pen. You will be wasting my time, your time, and that of your classmates.
PARTICIPATE. I may be the teacher in the room, but I am also the facilitator for an exchange of ideas. We will learn from each other, listen to each other, challenge each other, and always respect each other. Participation is not just raising your hand and answering a question. The definition of participate is to take part in an activity or event with others. If you are late, unprepared, have your head on your desk, or can't stop staring at your cell phone, then you are not taking part. Participation is 10% of your grade and can mean the difference between failing or passing.
COMPLETE ALL WORK. Homework and classwork is crucial to your success in this class. Late work in not accepted. There is no extra credit in this class for work that you miss. If you are absent it is your responsibility to track down and complete missed work within the required time period. PLEASE NOTE: One day’s absence before a scheduled test does not constitute an excuse to not take that test. Also, after short absences, you have as many days as you were absent in which to make up tests, quizzes, assignments, etc. that you have missed.
RESPECT ONE ANOTHER. The golden rule. Treat others as you want to be treated. Your rights end where someone else’s rights begin. Simply put, I expect my students to respect themselves, others, myself and other staff members, and the classroom as a learning environment. You don't have to love (or even like) me or your classmates, but you do have to respect me and the rest of our class. The great thing about respect is the more you give, the more you earn.
DO YOUR BEST. Your best effort will yield the greatest results. You don't have to love English or even like English, but if your effort is outstanding, your grade will be outstanding. Go above and beyond to keep your initial 100 and you will keep it!
Learn it. Love it. Live it.
Best wishes for a wonderful year. I'm excited to learn and grow with you!
And if all else fails, heed the words of this guy: