Welcome to the first week of READ and RESPOND!
Each week you will be required to read and respond to a series of links. The topics might be serious, ridiculous, controversial, or even outrageous.
Read the following links and respond to at least TWO of the articles in your marble notebook.
Your response should be a clear commentary on the topics read. Include a short summary (at least one paragraph) and then take a side on the issue in at least another paragraph. Include details/points/quotes from the text, and be clear about your thoughts. Your response should be articulate, supported by text-based information, and clearly defined-- you MUST take a side. Be a lawyer. Prove your case. Make a point. Fire up your fellow classmates...
Quiz on Monday (on all four articles)!!!
"The Master's as the New Bachelor's"http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/24/education/edlife/edl-24masters-t.html?_r=1&ref=edlife
"Why We Can't Wear White After Labor Day"http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1920684,00.html
"Are Your Jeans Sagging? Go Directly to Jail"
"School's New Math: the Four-Day Week"
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