These are the steps we have already taken in the process:
• Identify topic
• Get familiar with researching techniques—don’t know where to start? See the librarian!
• Spend some time in the library searching for sources.
• Get familiar with researching techniques—don’t know where to start? See the librarian!
• Spend some time in the library searching for sources.
• Know the documentation style you need to use (MLA) and find out how to use it.
• Narrow topic while researching. Is there enough research on topic? If not, make the necessary changes.
• Narrow topic while researching. Is there enough research on topic? If not, make the necessary changes.
And THIS is what we are about to complete in the next month and a half:
• Write thesis statement and supporting points.
• Continue researching. Create notecards to keep track of sources and important points/ideas. Match the supporting points of your thesis statement with the research that ties to it.
• Create a working outline that shows main ideas and major and minor details. This will help you organize your paper when you are writing it later!
• Finish research by filling in gaps
• Does your thesis need to be revised or refined? Do it!
• Write rough draft, using outline.
• Develop a Works Cited sheet.
• Hand in a rough draft!
• Re-write paper, based on teacher and peer edit comments
• Write final draft and proofread!
• Continue researching. Create notecards to keep track of sources and important points/ideas. Match the supporting points of your thesis statement with the research that ties to it.
• Create a working outline that shows main ideas and major and minor details. This will help you organize your paper when you are writing it later!
• Finish research by filling in gaps
• Does your thesis need to be revised or refined? Do it!
• Write rough draft, using outline.
• Develop a Works Cited sheet.
• Hand in a rough draft!
• Re-write paper, based on teacher and peer edit comments
• Write final draft and proofread!
• Turn paper in on time! "On time" means at the start of the period. Your rough draft and your final draft should be emailed as a formatted Word document. All work must be in Times New Roman, 12-point font, with double spacing and a header on each page. Your header should be your last name and the page number. (Ie: Keenan 4 as the header on the fourth page...)
If you are absent, it will be considered late. Each late day results in a loss of one full letter grade!
We'll go over things more in depth as the week goes on.
· Thesis Statement due Friday January 13th
· Outline due Tuesday January 17th
· First draft due Friday January 27th (This happens to be the end of 2nd quarter!)
· FINAL DUE DATE: Monday, February 13th
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