Race, class, socio-economics, politics, and the American justice system are among the most important and often difficult issues to discuss in our social circles, but that does not mean we should avoid the topics altogether, and it certainly doesn't mean we should censor ourselves in fear of the opinions of others. Through the practice of respectful dialogue and intense questioning and debate, we can arrive at amazing places of common understanding... places of acknowledged similarities... and also differences.
I'm not sure what to say about the news from Ferguson last night. I like things to be cut and dry, and there's too much left to chance in between those lines where it seems as if most of our conflicts take place. As a nation I think we deserve better for each other, and for ourselves.
If I could ask you to consider a few things as you head towards graduation it would be this: register to vote as soon as you can, and get your friends to do the same, and advocate for change. Support the intelligence of your peers, steady those friends who might be headed off the path to success, and encourage those who are still figuring things out.
Don't live up to or play into stereotypes. They are there to make you fail. Prove them to be inexcusably wrong.
(This is Caitlin Clark. Teenage poet.)
Article 1, from CNN:
Article 2, from the New York Times:
Article 3, from TIME magazine:
Article 1: I think it's crazy how they had the announcement at night. I strongly feel as if they wanted something to happen and it's like they wanted the protestors to cause riots. If this was turned the other way around and it was the young man who had shot the police officer then there would be no doubt of the suspect being put in jail for a long time . That's a fact, no questions asked. The government has to do a better job to make sure that the rights of the people are protected, no matter what race or nationality. We are all humn beings, even those of us who don't have badges.