Read and respond to BOTH of the articles linked below.
Catalyst for discussion OR wrong time/wrong place?
Starbucks Will Stop Putting The Words 'Race Together' On Cups
To forgive or not to forgive? YOU DECIDE.
Mo'ne Davis asks Bloomsburg to Reinstate Baseball Player...
Article 1 // The question is will Starbucks stop putting the words " Race Together " on cups? Yes and No. Starbucks is a famous coffee store/place where coffee taste good but can be a little expensive. But that doesn't stop no one. Regardless the words " race together " can and can't affect people in the world. You have people who can care less and just wants there coffee and you have others where just by three words, can hurt their life and need to fix it. In my opinion it really doesn't matter. Everyone have different set of mind and thoughts . People can say what they feel like it but have to remember that every word matters and that everyone thinks differently. But they should just change their slogan to something cool but unique, so it wouldn't be so much of a big deal but also would be a good idea. The slogan " race together " can have a lot of different meaning to it but still doesn't always has to be about racism.
ReplyDeleteArticle 2:
ReplyDeleteA vulgar and offensive tweet was posted by Joey Casselberry. He was a sophomore first baseman and the second- leading hitter. He lost his spot because of the one tweet he has made. The victim, Mo’ne Davis doesn’t thinks that someone who worked hard playing baseball, their position should be revoked so easily. Joey Casselberry later then deleted his twitter and apologized, stating Davis is actually an inspiration. Mo’ne Davis has reached out to Bloomsburg University asking if Joey Casselberry’s dismissal can be reconsidered.
In my opinion tweeting is just stupid and pointless in general, and knowing anyone can view or retweet your tweets he should have watched what he said. They were very vulgar words about a young girl, who can offend her, her family and fans. It was a thoughtless action and probably had no harmful intentions behind it. But the fact Casselberry realized what he done was wrong, took blame of his actions and apologized is a step in the right direction. I do think he deserves reconsideration because it was one mistake that even the victim agrees about. Mo’ne Davis herself contacting the university and asking for a reconsideration is amazingly mature. Instead of fighting back or hating the guy, she gained herself more fans and respect. Her actions contradicted the tweet and prove herself as a good person.
I agree that everyone deserves a second chance. Especially because no one is perfect in this world. Everone makes mistakes and then tries to fix them. If I was her I would do the same thing which is forgive. Mo’ne Davis acted more maturely towards the situation. Instead of her acting petty and childish. She made poor choices in her life and some people might not understand the situation. The school however did take action and took it very seriously, they fired Joey Casselberry because of his actions. Mo’ne Davis has reached out to Bloomsburg University and tried to get Joey his job back the schools respond was that they would consider it.
ReplyDeleteArticle 2
ReplyDeleteI think that Joey should be forgiven, due the fact that he did make a mistake and humans aren’t normal, everyone slips up at one point maybe he was just upset when he tweeted that or he was jealous about the attention she was receiving and he wasn’t being acknowledged, he made a mistake in the moment and should be forgiven, if he truly is sorry he will not do it again.
Article 1
It is definitely a catalyst for discussion, I think that starbucks has stopped due to criticism from people who don’t agree and they say they want to help the world, well the CEO wants to cleanse the world of racism then go ahead and let nothing stop you from getting your point across, you’re always going to receive criticism but you can’t let it stop you from getting your point across.
Article 1: I feel like Starbucks shouldn't feel bad about spreading awareness. Though spreading awareness isn't always a smart thing to do for business, that's why I can understand why they would get rid of the sticker. Some people who do have a certain belief on subjects such as race, will probably feel like someone is judging or forcing their own beliefs on them. Racism is not the easiest topic to try and change someones mind about. Racism is an act that is passed from generation to generation. People are not racist naturally, it is a learned way of thinking from generations ago.
ReplyDeleteArticle 2: Joe C 's tweet was clearly jealousy. Mo'ne Davis worked very hard to be where she's at and the tweet that was posted towards her was very hurtful she admits. Though Joe got dismissed because of his offensive tweet, Mo'ne believes that everyone deserves a second chance, no matter how bad the mess up. Mo'ne is very mature for her age and I believe if she thinks he deserves another chance, then he should get it. The victim should have a say in what goes on. I believe in second chances too. I believe he should be forgiven and given a second chance. The college probably only did that because they know if they didn't people would have uproars about it saying that they should have done something. It's all about image.
article 1:
ReplyDeleteI am not understanding what the big issue is pertaining to the sticker. It's a shame that people want this sticker off the cup. A lot of racial history has repeated itself in the past couple years and raising awareness for it to stop in any way, shape, or form is a great idea. It is sad that just a sticker can make such a huge impact on the whole country. I completely agree with Alexis's comment on this subject and on how people who are racist aren't going to be easily persuaded to not be racist. You can't change a person, but when your hurting someone and a whole group of a kind, its wrong and it needs to be stopped. To me it just shows how people are still racist and can not accept the fact that it's time to really end this. Thankfully Starbucks is continuing their "Race Together" campaign, and I think it's a great idea.
Article 2:
The tweet that Joe C made was just pure jealousy. He is obviously hating at the fact that a girl is just as good as boys and probably better. But do I think he deserved his life to be flipped upside down, no. What he said was wrong, but great people deal with hatred 99% of the time, but only some get noticed. It's obvious that Mo'ne is very mature when it comes to this, because she forgives him and if she didn't take it offensively then I don't think Bloomsburg should as well. I do think Mo'ne has probably been through a lot of stress with many sexist comments towards her, which is probably why she feels Joe C deserves a second chance. He is probably one of many and she can't punish all men. I do think its weird at how they picked him. There are probably so many more. But jealousy happens all the time and if your not hated on, then you must be doing something wrong.
Article 1: I think that Starbucks’ campaign to get its customers talking about race was just a PR stunt. As NPR’s (National Public Radio) Karen Grigsby said, “Some people think it's just a naked marketing ploy, kind of a catalyst for free advertising.” and that is exactly what Starbucks was hoping for when they launched this campaign. Even though the company has dealt with backlash from various different groups, its stocks still rose 3.42% in the week after its launch. The campaign has succeeded in its true purpose, providing free advertisement for the company and getting people to talk about them. I looked through some of the comments on the article itself, and I have to agree with multiple people from there that say Starbucks should stick to selling coffee. The article also says that this campaign wasn’t the only thing that Starbucks has planned in their “fight against racism”. They claim to hire 10,000 disadvantaged youths over the next three years and open new stores in communities with large minority populations. When you do something like hiring disadvantaged youths, giving them the chance that many wouldn’t, its a great thing, but when you announce it even before you have started on it, then its just for publicity to win over the general public. They also want to open new stores in communities with large minority population, now you would think this is a good thing that can bring in more workers that will build and operate the store. However, there are already over 12,000 Starbucks in the United States, we don’t need anymore. These new Starbucks could also drive local coffee houses out of business, hurting the community.
ReplyDeleteArticle 2: I can agree with what some people say that Casselberry should have watched what he said on Twitter because anyone can see it and it is forever. While Casselberry did tweet an offensive and vulgar tweet about Mo’ne Davis, I don’t think he should have been penalized the way he was. It was just a tweet, and he did not threaten the girls life, he has an opinion and I believe he had the right to express that opinion. It was just a dumb thing Casselberry said, and while he probably shouldn’t have said it, he still shouldn’t have been kicked off his team instantly, if you were going to punish him for something he tweeted on his personal account, then a short suspension would have sufficed. Before deleting his Twitter account, Casselberry did tweet an apology towards Davis, and while I don’t believe he truly meant it, she still forgives him and even pushes for his reinstatement on his team. Davis believes “Everyone makes mistakes and everyone deserves a second chance,” and by reaching out to Bloomsburg University requesting that they reconsider Casselberry’s punishment shows her character as someone you can look up to. I agree with Ashley’s statement about how through this event, David will gain more fans and respect for showing her maturity in the situation.
Article 1: Almost everything which is put for public eye is going to be criticized and judged with both positive and negative perspectives. In the case of Starbucks campaign to "Race Together" they were criticized in many negative ways which seemed to have a Large impact on the employees, Franchisee, and CEO's of the company. Personally, I don't find the campaign, slogan or presentation of the movement to be offensive nor racist. In any aspect, one can see positive words, sending a message of unity. When speaking in terms of design, the display is very simple and even if they were to be associated with racism, would only promote racial unity.
ReplyDeleteArticle 2: As Humans, we all make mistakes. It can be easily argued that he should have thought before acting or that he deserves another chance. Both sides may be reasonably correct. But there is only so much truth those statements have to a certain extent. We can all recall not one, but several times where we have thought before we acted, whether they were small or major, we would be lying if we say we hadn't. Mistakes occur, Its part of life and its how we learn and become the people we are today, or who we are tomorrow. There are consequences to ones actions, I don't thin he should have a second chance, he needs to learn that life wont always give second chances to an unintentional mistake and the only way to truly from a mistake, is to toughen up at deal with reality's consequences. He is still very young and he would be better off learning now from his actions, that they have effect not only on himself, but everyone around him.
Article 1: I agree with Alexis that spreading awareness doesn't look good for businesses. Some people don't like when they feel judged about their own beliefs. Sometimes you can't change a way a person thinks. People are going to think what they want. Racism has been going on for years now and there have been many people who tried to stop it but couldn't. Racism is the hardest thing to get into people's mind and make them think differently, some people may see the wrong they are doing, others won't care and continue it.
ReplyDeleteArticle 2: I believe that Mo'ne made the mature decision in forgiving Joe. Everybody makes mistakes. Nobody is perfect and we are all human. i believe in second chances. I believe if someone deserves to be forgiven should be. Joe did the right thing and deleted the tweet and apologized. I believe Joe should be forgiven for his mistake. If Mo'ne believes he deserves forgiveness, we should forgive him too.We cant all hold grudges , everyone deserves a second chance to fix what they messed up.
Article 1: The Starbuck’s campaign to get customers talking about race by putting the slogan “Race Together” was a great idea. With all the racist incidents that have been happening this gives people a way to portray their thoughts and feelings on the issue of race. With the Eric Gardner and fraternity incident race has been a highly controversial topic. I agree with some people that this could’ve have been executed in a more professional matter but it was a good idea.
ReplyDeleteArticle 2: I think that Joey Casselberry should be reinstated back onto the baseball team. His tweet was inappropriate and disgusting. He then went onto apologize and delete his twitter account afterwards. I play baseball myself and I know how hard of a sport it is. With the stats he has, he must have been practicing day and night to become as good as he is now. Everybody deserves a second chance and I think Joey Casselberry should too.
Article 1 I’m unsure if I feel the criticism against this initiative is based on white insecurity or awkwardness in dealing with race. Being an African American I don’t feel that there’s anything wrong with the sticker or writing a slogan on a cup. I think Starbucks did a noble thing but at the end coward out because they we able to relay a message but not stand behind it. I feel like if you’re going to stand by something do it because you believe in it not because this is what’s going on right now and it sells. It becomes questionable as to what their motive was, raising awareness or being making profit from a cause? I also hope those condemning the initiative gain knowledge to understand and grow from it if they were truly trying to raise awareness.
ReplyDeleteArticle 2 when I see offensive things like this in the media whether it was a 12 year old child or a 21 year old women no one should be able to get a slap on the wrist. That’s the equivalent to telling every male with an ego and a loose tongue that it’s okay to be sexist and use derogatory terms. I wouldn’t forgive anyone who is able to processes and use the words that Bloomsburg had used and is unbothered by it until he is caught. There are too many people getting away with or getting minor punishment for major ridiculous actions. I have not seen one person in the past two weeks that have said sorry about either being racist or using derogatory slurs turn themselves in. No one has said, “I did this I was wrong”. Davis is a good hearted young lady and it’s taught in many households that it is better to forgive and forget; so I could understand her statement on the matter. Although I’m angered that everyone who has done such a thing are only sorry and ashamed when they get caught and I find comfort in how Davis handled the situation.
Article 1- For the most part I do not understand why and how this became a point to debate about, however that is my opinion and I understand why some people may be offended by the lack of or presence of a political message on their coffee cups. I am more of a tea-drinker myself and when I think of "teatime" I think of a moment to relax, reset, and reorient myself after dealing with a particularly stressful situation. (In fact this weekend I had a panic attack over my financial situation for college and visa application paper work. I needed a mental break for that moment.) So in turn I will be more interested in the liquid inside the cup, and simply overlook the sticker on it due to the way I perceive getting that type of drink as a time to check out from political talk rather than begin a debate. And I also hate to say if someone was to interrupt my period of bliss to start a stressful conversation I would probably tell them to wait until I finished my tea... However I understand what they were trying to accomplish with starting a campaign like this, but I think it is not going to be the thing to spur a nationwide debate on racial inequality in this country. I could also be wrong, people are very sensitive about their coffee breaks and might just help to start the conversations that need to be had at this time. However I am a "tea drinker" so I am unsure how to feel about politically charged coffee cups...
ReplyDeleteArticle 2- Before I start I believe that we can all agree that college aged students are the most irresponsible, childish, immature, judgmental, and idiotic of all age groups. (As seen with recent news reports...) They do things without thinking and are only starting to learn about the consequences of their actions. What makes things worse for this generation and any other upcoming ones is their ability to make these mistakes on social media and draw millions towards their "oopise" moment. So instead of the incident being a local one handled at human resources half the country may get involved in the mistake. As a result the consequences for the mistake may be much harsher than they could have been 50 years ago. Part of a society's ability to properly distribute justice includes the ability to show mercy if the situation allows for it. Since the victim of this tweet seems okay with forgiving a perfect example of how social media can destroy a life, it may be best to avoid turning this offensive "child" into a scapegoat. Maybe this incident will teach him to act like more of a gentleman where past attempts have failed. Perhaps twitter should add an "are you ABSOLUTELY SURE you want to tweet that" button onto their interface.
Article 1.
ReplyDeleteI Feel like starbucks is doing something good for a change besides just being known for there famous coffee....i think they shouldn't stop putting "Race Together" on their cups because its spreading awareness to people and letting them know that us as people are one no matter what the color of our skin color is. Starbucks is Honestly starting a trend and sooner or later everyone sooner or later will jump on the wave and i feel like they will get more customers and expand more then they already are especially since they are thinking of hiring 10,000 disadvantaged youth thats a good move if you ask
Article 2. This situation With joey c. And mo'ne Davis is a issue because of an offensive tweet from joey c. A sophmore secind baseman ....what i don't understand is what was the point of this because it was stupid, Immature and childish like my question is whats the hate for because she's a female who is actually good in the sport you play, if anything you should be lifting her up and giving her advice and she's still a little girl at the end of the day but out of this whole issue she still finds it in her to forgive and forget and be the bigger person and asks for help to reinstate you. In my eyes joey c should be embrassed that he even plays baseball.
ReplyDeleteI think that Starbucks took down the slogan because of customers feedback . The feedback must have been more negative then positive that's why starbucks stopped putting the stickers on their products. I think it was a very nice idea for them to try spread awarness but many issues have arised due to a sticker. If I was running Starbucks I would continue with my idea because sooner or later the message I was trying to send ouy will be heard. The sticker could have attracted more customers sooner or later. But in America money is everyones first priority.
ReplyDeleteI think Joey is completely wrong for stating that statement about Mo'ne if you cant act like a professional why should you be able to play for a team where you have to interact with people everyday. Bloomsburg University did the right thing by kicking him off the team because I believe he would have escalated. As a female I seen many athletes disrespect ladies verbally and physically we are human too and we are equal too. Certain actions done by athletes have but know we can clearly see that's coming to an end. Everyone deserves respect . Mo'ne says he didnt mean it the way it was said but I believe no one knows which way he intended on saying it, yes he's young but he is a college student bashing a young teen. I feel that character should be first then education then sports.
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ReplyDeleteI feel it was a good idea but done in a wrong way. Understanding my stereotyping, a majority of Starbucks customers are kids our age or just flat out ignorant people. It's good that they're still trying to stick to their guns with the Race Together activities. That's where the attention will come from, the activities, the movements. Not a near meaningless sticker on a cup that people are just going to throw away without even bothering to look at. Best to focus in other areas like the activities or possibly commercials.
Article 2
I feel that that it was good of Mo'ne, or possibly an agent avoiding a controversy, to take it such a way. That being said, he didn't deserve it. It is almost endorsed that people give their opinions over Twitter but to use it as a tool to bash someone or something is too much. He could have worded it in a nice way that still gave out his opinion and it would have been said and done, no account deleting, nothing. Had he not let his anger get to him, he would not be asking for an apology that he wouldn't deserve.
Article 1:
ReplyDeleteI feel that what Starbucks is doing is a very good idea and they shouldn't feel bad about what they're doing because it brings awareness to a huge issue that lies within the U.S. Since they are a big business and many people are customers to them, more people become aware to what is happening between racism and using the slogan there is a great idea. There has been a lot of incidents that have been going on where racism has been brought up. I also feel that the campaign could've been spread differently because most people wont take it as seriously and many people wouldn't care enough to go into it. Racism is a touchy subject and isn't talked about as much as it should be. But everyone has their opinions.
Article 2:
The tweet that Joey C wrote about Mo'ne Davis was out of pure jealousy and it was obvious it was. I feel like it was to very sexist and inappropriate. I don't understand why he's jealous of a movie being made of her due to her accomplishments. She deserves it. She worked hard for what she has now and no one should put her down for it. Mo'ne is very mature in response to the tweet and her actions to the whole situation. For her to forgive him and reach out to the school to ask if they could reconsider their decision is a lot. Not everyone is perfect and we all make mistakes, some people do deserve second chances. Not many people can do what she did. She has a good head on her shoulders. After all what she says should go because everything that was said was directed to her and if she can forgive and move along so can everyone else.
Article #1: I believe that this article is more of a catalyst discussion. I don't think that Starbucks should stop putting the words "Race together" on cups, just because society began to criticize about it? Society is always going to criticize about others and what they do. Why can't they worry about themselves? There are those that really don't care and those that find it racist. I also like how Starbucks is going to try and open new stores in places that have a large minority population.
ReplyDeleteArticle #2: I believe that Casselberry deserves a second chance, he has worked hard in playing baseball. I know that there was a time and place when everybody have said something in the past that they regret saying. Everybody makes mistakes, nobody is perfect, I mean where only human. Instead of arguing and making a bigger problem Mo'ne Davis was mature enough to reach out to Bloomsburg University asking if Casselberys dismissal can be reconsidered
Article 1:I don't agree with Fabrizio, I feel that Starbucks is being genuine. Racism is a big problems that still goes on and it’s good that this company is trying to get people to talk about this. I think people might be looking down on them because it is a big company and that makes it harder when it comes to people believing it. I'm not saying they are necessarily being truthful but I hope they are because this is not an issue to play games with. This is something people go through every day. I hope they continue with the campaign and don’t give up because there’s a few haters.
ReplyDeleteArticle 2: I feel that everyone deserves second chances. Everyone makes mistakes and some people post stuff that they regret but I don’t think he should have been taken of the team. Regular people make nasty comments about people all the time but because this was put in the spotlight, he gets the repercussions. Social media makes everything public because if it wasn’t for that he could say all he wants to and still be on his team. Mo’ne Davis was a good person about everything and that shows a lot about her character and that she doesn't act on impulses like he did. He insulted her in the worst way and made it public but she understood enough to know, everyone doesn't mean everything they put on social media.
Women seem too complete a new obsicle everyday. But this time it ended being with Mo'ne. Joey a college athlete seemed upset of how it looked like Disney would make a movie about her. Yes I would agree with Lexi and say he was jealous but I don't think the team should have dismissed him from the team. Freedom of speech comes to this problem beacause he has the right to say what he feels and also no one should be dismissed from something if they say something stupid on social networking. We all have done it. But the real thing to look at is how maturely Mo'ne handled the situation. Most 8th grade girls would not be able this. Finally I bel Joey should be reinstated and given a second chance
ReplyDeleteArticle 1 // Starbucks can and do whatever they can. Not exactly, but still can do what manages to keep their business running. A slogan can mean a lot and can't mean a thing toward others. I certainly agree and disagree. Starbucks is actually a great place to get coffee, but honestly words can mean a lot. In this world we have many people who do good choices and have others that do bad choices. The thing is can things change about their slogan? What if the slogan changes today and says another slogan tomorrow, would things be different. Would others care or would others talk. In my personal opinion it really doesn't matter, people speak their mind, but have to think twice what they say without getting into danger. But everyone has different set of mind and opinions.
ReplyDeleteArticle 2 // I think Joe's tweet was his personal opinion. What people tweet can be toward them or even their personal life. I think he did what he thought was his opinion. Yes she thinks it's offensive but also needs a second chance for many different reasons. Joe's tweet can mean totally different to him and totally different towards another person opinion. I agree that a second chances is well needed. Second chances don't always go right, but she's mature and is doing the right thing and could make herself feel way better if he gets another chance. So maybe if he actually a gets a second chance things would change. Maybe his life would even change and he'll be a better person and could even prove himself right and make himself look like a good person. People think differently and need others advice, but how many people can prove them that they do need a chance and that a mistake can change and won't happen again.
Article 1 // Starbucks can and do whatever they can. Not exactly, but still can do what manages to keep their business running. A slogan can mean a lot and can't mean a thing toward others. I certainly agree and disagree. Starbucks is actually a great place to get coffee, but honestly words can mean a lot. In this world we have many people who do good choices and have others that do bad choices. The thing is can things change about their slogan? What if the slogan changes today and says another slogan tomorrow, would things be different. Would others care or would others talk. In my personal opinion it really doesn't matter, people speak their mind, but have to think twice what they say without getting into danger. But everyone has different set of mind and opinions.
ReplyDeleteArticle 2 // I think Joe's tweet was his personal opinion. What people tweet can be toward them or even their personal life. I think he did what he thought was his opinion. Yes she thinks it's offensive but also needs a second chance for many different reasons. Joe's tweet can mean totally different to him and totally different towards another person opinion. I agree that a second chances is well needed. Second chances don't always go right, but she's mature and is doing the right thing and could make herself feel way better if he gets another chance. So maybe if he actually a gets a second chance things would change. Maybe his life would even change and he'll be a better person and could even prove himself right and make himself look like a good person. People think differently and need others advice, but how many people can prove them that they do need a chance and that a mistake can change and won't happen again.
Seeing that starbucks is a well known company and many people purchase items from there it was a great idea to put that sticker on the cup. But what's shocking is that there was such an uproar about something that was actually positive. Racism is something that needs to end it won't be easy or probably won't ever happen but spreading awareness about it might help. As Alexis said racism is passed on generation to generation it's deeply rooted in some people. I don't think the negative feedback that they were receiving should of stopped them from putting the sticker on the cup especially seeing that they're stocks went up.
I believe everyone deserves a second chance and so does Mo'ne. Yes Joey made a big mistake, he disrespected her and showed signs of jealousy. We all make mistakes when we're angry and not in the right state of mind. Should he be punished for what he said? Of course but I don't believe it's right to take away everything he's worked hard for over a rude comment. This all goes back to social media on a whole, he probably tweeted that thinking that people would laugh and look at Mo'ne in a different light but that backfired. He was completely wrong but I still believe he deserves a second chance. You live and you learn
I honestly do feel like people deserve to have another chance but, you should always think about what you post on the internet before you post it. What he said was very immature and selfish. People like that should actually encourage each other and help each other get better at their skill. I commend her for actually being able to give him a second chance because some people wouldn't be able to forge someone for saying something like that publicly. This one simple comment on the media can really hurt someones feelings and can potentially ruin your career. It shows how mature she is to be able to forgive him. Although his comment was so ignorant, he does deserve another chance because he did say sorry which was also publicly.