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Sunday, September 21, 2014

Week Three Read & Respond Articles

Choose at least TWO of the following articles/video to read/view and respond to in the comments section below. All comments are due by Friday morning, before the start of your class period. Remember, your comments are meant to prove that you have read and understood the material while also forming an opinion on the subject matter.

ARTICLE 1: Women Don't Have to Boycott the NFL

ARTICLE 2: Adrian Peterson Starts National Dialogue on Discipline and Child Abuse

ARTICLE 3: The Limits of Hashtag Activism

TOPIC 4: Jullien Gordon: How To Graduate College With A Job You Love & Less Debt


  1. Article 1: As far as the domestic fiolence charges and claims stated in this article. It's the simple fact the the NFL supports our economy drastically. People always somehow find a way to be drawn into barbaric activity or violnce or any type of excessive phisical contact sports. Football being the main, when it comes to things of thel aw they treat it as if it is religion & government, "keep them separate" and "let the legal system handle it" as she stated in the article. I Feel that nothing will be done to change the domestic violnce involved with the players in the NFL because of ammusement and money.

  2. Article 2: I believe that kids SHOULD be spanked no matter the age. As a human with common sense, you should know what type of spanking is appropriate for a certain age. I don't believe in using items to hit your kid is disipline; that's abuse. You should know a 4 year old body can't handle the brutal hits from a switch like a 16 year old body can. I mean either way it's not right, but I'm just making a point. As kids and teenagers, I admit, we grow up to test the authority of those older than us. A hit with a switch or another item will either cause us to pass it on to our kids, be scared of our parent(s), or cause us to completely rebel. Most of our parents probably talk about themselves being hit with switches, but people must understand that it is a new time of age. You can't spank a 4 year old how you'd spank an older child. It's sad for Adrian to say he can't tell how many times he hit his kid with the switch. That's what I call losing control.

  3. Article 3: This is a tricky article to pick apart because you can only play devils advocate with it. Yes, hashtagging has raised awareness to certain events that have been taking place around the world. It's good to educate the people, even if its through hashtagging; but just because we hashtag for the moment, do we really even do anything except raise awareness. I love social media when it comes to hashtagging, you can see everyones point of views on the events. Then you have to think, what is hashtagging really doing except raising anger and/or for the moment? The writer of this article brought up a good topic. #BringOurGirls back was the most emotionally opinionated hashtag on the internet; next to Mike Brown's hashtag. When the hashtag took the internet a month after the incident, Americans then chose to go in and help, now, somet months later, the girls are still not home. Is anyone still worried about them or was that just the drama for the moment? We have to realize that just because we post something doesn't mean it's helping the cause. Getting involved helps the cause. Another hashtag that didn't help a cause was #ALSIceBucketChallege. The whole purpose of it was to be challenged by a friend, do it and then donate to ALS research. Many people treated this hashtag as a game which I did not understand. People just did it, but didn't even understand the whole reason for it. Social media is good to raise attention and awareness of a topic, but hashtags and media rants won't add to fixing the cause.

  4. Article 3: Hashtag activism... The biggest fad out there. Back in May, Boko Haram kidnapped Nigerian school girls. As a response, the hashtag #BringBackOurGirls became popular. Although the hashtag became popular among everyone, including the first lady of the United States, it never worked. Boko Haram STILL has these Nigerian school girls. And the ALS ice bucket challenge is another form of this hashtag activism. Charlie Sheen had the greatest way to do the ALS challenge, he took a bucket, and instead of water inside, it had money, and he said that it will actually help the organization instead of pouring water over oneself. Instead of being a Twittiot and hashtagging to be an activist and then FORGETTING about it, actually go out and support UNICEF or Doctors without Borders. Those organizations will actually do something.

  5. Article 3: Hashtags are really undefineable, there isn't a side that fully explains how hashtags are used. Majority of people only use hashtags to start trends in the world just for a social craze, but others use it to raise awareness about certain issues or information going on in the world. It really goes either way and even I had trouble truly grasping the concept of how a hashtag should be used. In the article though, it made a point about how if you are trying to raise awareness, don't just write a post as a follow up and forget about it a month later. Actually try to further your knowledge in the issue and find a way to actually help the cause. I truly agree with this part of the article because look at what happned with the Kony issue. It was a major issue in 2012, and now not only do you barely see any posters, there is no awareness on social media anymore. I believe in order to separate a common trend from raising awareness successfully, you need to realize are you willing to help the cause or are you just following the crowd.

  6. Article 2: There really is a thin line between discipline and child abuse these days. Many parents by human nature will become angry and spanks out of aggression to discipline their child. Adrian Peterson was hit big considering on his method of discipline to his child. Many parents and kids speak out on this article and can relate to both Adrian Peterson and his son. I do agree that spanking a child mentally isn't good at all, but I do believe discipline is necessary for a child. That is why there are many controversies with this topic because its hard to separate abuse from discipline. Some kids who are spanked are emotionally damaged, or scarred for the rest of their life. Even I question myself when I have kids, will I separate my anger from discipline.

  7. Article 2: Discipline and child abuse are two wildly different things. Parents often mistake abuse for discipline. Adrian Peterson "disciplined" his child by hitting him with a branch. and he doesn't remember how many times he hit him. People need to understand, this isn't discipline when a child is bruised and bloodied. That's not discipline. That's beating a child. No matter your thoughts on corporal punishment, it's important to distinguish between that and child abuse. I agree that spanking a child is not good at all, but discipline is necessary. When I have kids, I will need to separate anger from discipline.

  8. Article 2: There is a line between dicipline and child abuse. It's bolder to some but not all. Spanking is not child abuse until you spank to the point of bruising. Every child needs spanked at some point. No child is perfect. Discipline is needed for their own good to know right from wrong. Using objects to dicipline your children with is abuse. Scarring children is really easy to do especially the way Adrian Peterson "diciplined" his child. Things like that can be scarring especially being that young. There is a line between dicipline and child abuse and its time people started to learn it. Those who are speaking out against child abuse need to be more recognized in this world or things are never going to change.

  9. Article3: Personally I despise hashtags. Hashtags have invaded the internet. There are many that do help raise awareness in the world but most are pure stupidity. If half of todays generation used more effiecent hastags to raise awareness in the world then things might start to change. I agree with this article entirely. As much as I don't like to say it hashtags have raised awareness about many serious issues in the world and for that I don't despise hashtags as much. The do raise some awareness in this world but not enough.

  10. Everybody has has their own way of disciplining their child, Although most parents go over board by hitting their child. I think that is alright for a parent to hit their kid two-three times with a belt so that the kid can understand of what he did wrong and not do it again. I'm not saying that a parent should only discipline their child in this way, but if they only hit their kids, that kid is going to grow fear of their parents. Parents should be able to talk to their kids, Try to have a friendship with the kid, and teach them how to respect them when they are serious. I believe that Adrian Peterson is disciplining his child the same way his parents disciplined him.

    Article 4:I agree with the video, If you ask 80% of students if they want to go to College, Most of them don't know, They don't even know what they want to become. Most of the students think that they wont make it, But if they put their mind into and focus, They would accomplish their goal. Most students after high school don't want to go to College, They just want to get a job be happy with that. Knowing that they can go to College get a degree and find a career where they will get paid more and would happier, But not everybody thinks the same.

  11. Article 2: I agree that a parent should spank their child, only because it a way to disipline your child, to teach them the consequences in their actions, and to also teach them right from wrong . But a parent should know the difference between disipline and abuse. A parent should know you can't hit a little kid as if they were grown up. A little kid will get hurt easily. A parent should know their limits when spanking their child. If you are hitting your child until they get seriously hurt , its abuse. Parents shouldn't use objects to disipline their kids either. Also, you shouldn't hit your child out of anger, you don't know what type of force you are putting on that child and it could lead to serious injuries for them. As for Adrian , he shouldn't have hit his child with a switch several times to the point he can't even remember how many times, that's way over the top. A parent's job is to protect their child, not injure them.

    Article 3: I use hashtags, though I don't really know the purpose of it. Yeah , when we hashtags we are usually copying some pointless trend we see other people do but when it comes to raising awareness what are we really doing ? For the ALS ice bucket challenge we poured ice water on ourselves , nominated others , then hashtagged it. What did we really do, besides spread the word around. We spreaded the word , now its forgotten , we shouldn't be forgetting the problems In the world, we should be coming together and fixing them, make a change. Hashtags help raise awareness but doesn't help fix the issue. All it does is inform us about the problems. So yes, I use hashtags to help raise awareness , but I wish I was doing something more than just that. I believe that hashtagging would be a bigger help if it did more than just spread the word.

    1. I agree with both of your responses. In article 2 you said that you shouldn't spank your child out of anger and that's totally right because if you're angry your just going to end up hurting the child. In article 3 you said you really don't know the purpose of hashtagging honestly neither do I and most people didn't donate I mean some celebrities did but most people really didn't. It really does help spread the word though.

  12. Article 1: This article is saying women don’t have to boycott the NFL but could speak up with their opinions about the domestic violence or child abuse that’s going on right now with Ray Rice, Ray McDonald, and Adrian Peterson. They don’t have to stop watching the games to stop supporting their teams. They could just speak up on twitter or any other social media and to make a point to everyone. Like in the article said “If you feel strongly about woman’s rights and have a platform from which to express your views (say, a twitter account) then you can make a difference at least in your circle of friends and contacts by forcing them to think about the debate”. In my opinion women should speak up to this violence but shouldn’t take it up to the point to boycott because the whole team shouldn’t get blamed for one person wrong doing. They also have to understand that football is a big part of our economy.
    Article 2: In my opinion, kids should get spankings when needed, but not to the point that you lose count. That just makes it become abuse. Adrian Peterson hit his 4 years old with a tree branch and lost count. Is it okay that he hit his kid and that’s how he disciplines? No, his kid can’t possible take this kind of pain, and he hasn’t fully matured. Maybe if the kid was about 16 years old he could take it but he wasn’t. He could have hit his kid in the wrong place and the poor boy could have gone to the hospital. But lucky that wasn’t the case. Peterson didn’t have to hit him with a tree branch but just spanked him, and let his kid know what he did wrong. That’s all he needed to do but not take it that far.

  13. Article2: There is a fine line between discipline and child abuse, the question is when is that line crossed. I believe that should be able to discipline their child, but should not use an excessive amount of force. If to much force is used then I is not discipline it child abuse. The question is did Adrian Peterson use to much force, I don't now this is a slippery slope I have never heard of some one using a tree branch. I don't think parents should use objects that can cause to much damage.
    #Article3: Hashtags can and have been used to raise awareness for important issues, but this is still this is the internet and some people are stupid and jerks. So hashtags are used for good things and hastags are used for stupid things and hashtags are used to piss people off.

  14. Article 2: Personally I do not believe in using corporal punishment to discipline a child, no matter what the age may be. Maybe this is because my family has never really used it but instead I was told why what I did was wrong. And in place of a spanking, I lost a privilege for awhile or had to do an extra chore. (Or clean up the mess I made.) One point I find shocking in the article is that Anderson used an object in this case, and lost count of his lashes. That in itself is going past any form of lesson, and has really turned into someone venting their anger. Perhaps corporal punishment is starting to become outdated in today's society. (And no it does not make kids any tougher...)
    Article #: The practice of "hash tag-ism" or better known as "#>insert something here< has become widespread on the internet. It is still unknown where this strange practice originated from, and seems to label anything from internet cat sensations to major human tragedies. Despite spreading rapidly around the world most hash tags usually do not last longer than a month. After that they are then replaced by another one, and the original idea is almost forgotten about. While this may be okay for random things it is extremely ineffective for major events such as the missing girls in Nigeria. While the usage of hash tags may result in a short term boost in awareness, a more permanent platform must also be put in place during that time. (Example: If more people were to take action as well as pass on the hash tag.)

  15. Article 1: Although boycotting the NFL seems practical, it is illogical. As Katie Nolan expressed, it would take all the critical thinkers out of the picture. This meaning; more incidents being swept under the rug and more players going unpenalized for their actions. A more realistic result would come from women speaking their opinion and writing out to NFL authorities through various means of communication (letters,social media websites,etc). If 45% of NFL fans consist of women, I know, it will make a difference. As for what Bobbiane stated, I disagree. She says that the public is often drawn to barbaric activity, although in this case, I don't believe that it is the barbaric activity the public is being drawn to. Even if the sport may be barbaric itself, it is the love of the sport or the legacy the sport holds, that attracts them like insects to light. It is the feeling and adrenaline that arises when a fan watches the intense game between opposing teams. That is why boycotting would just be illogical, they have a passion for the game and love for their teams that they cannot just quit cold turkey. I agree with this article one hundred percent.

  16. Article 2: There is nothing wrong with taking disciplinary action with children, but the line must be drawn between discipline and abuse. As an adult and a parent, you must not mix emotion with discipline. It is one of the many responsibilities/duties as a parent to keep them separate. Your emotions cloud your judgement and the line that should not be crossed suddenly disappears. To beat a child to the point of bruise or bloodshed and to call it discipline does not justify what you have done. When a parent beats a child or a spouse abuses a spouse, judgement is no longer in the picture, as one's emotions take full control of their actions. In the case of both Adrian Peterson and Ray Rice, In order to bring yourself to doing such a thing, judgement must have been lost long before what we see today.

  17. Article 3: I believe that hash tagging is something that can benefit certain situations and worsen or not help certain situations. Hash tagging can inform individuals but when some people obtain the information they don't know what to do with the information some people just absorb the information while others absorb and react. Some information hash tagged are good and some are bad but it let individuals aware of information that they should know in there area. But as the article stated not all issues that is informed was taken care of like the girls that were kidnapped, everyone around the world knows but none of them were found.

  18. Topic 4: J. Gordon is right many people need to pave their own road instead of taking the easy road everyone want to be a doctor and a lawyer but those aren't the only career around. Now a days it's harder for people my age because everyone is competing with everyone around the world. Getting a job is getting harder and harder and finding a career that fits a person is getting harder because everyone want to be a lawyer and a doctor because they want the money. Elderly people has told me that getting good grades can lead me far they say , if you tell anyone I know oh, I want to be a nurse they would all say " Why not a doctor".

  19. Article 2: Honestly, I feel kids shouldn't be hit. theres other ways to discipline your children without having to physically hurt them. I've gotten hit as a kid and it isn't fun, especially since it can go to far fast. I get that people have grown up with this mentality that you have to beat your kids when they do wrong but you don't. you just emotionally scar the child. you may not realize it but you do.

    Article3: it's true. social media helps get the word out about things going on in the world but it doesn't always make people go out and help. social media is a good place to start to get awareness but activists shouldn't rely on that to get support for there causes.

  20. Article 2: I agree with what Nick said about the fine line between discipline and child abuse, and the question being when that line is crossed. I personally believe that you should never lay a finger on your child, there are other ways to discipline your child without the use of excessive force. Although I do agree that every parent should be able to raise their children they way they see fit, however leaving a child emotionally and/or physically scarred and bruised, is no rational form of discipline.

    Article 3: While I do find the use of “hashtags”and their popularity annoying, I can see how they have an impact in our world today. Whenever something happens, from a cop shooting a young black man to a massive celebrity leak, chances are some people will find out immediately through the hashtags these events create. It is sad, but true, that there are a lot of people who don’t pick the newspaper, or turn on the six o’clock news, but there are millions of people, mostly young people, who use twitter and will learn about the news through there. While hashtags have brought attention to silly fads, they have also raised awareness for movements and organizations that are looking to make the world a better place.

  21. Article 2:It's been a couple of weeks since the Adrian Peterson case and it just keeps getting bigger and bigger. I agree that disciplining your child physically is wrong and honestly nothing good comes out of it. Raising a child takes patience and this is why you should only have one when you're fully matured. Even though what Adrian Peterson did was wrong some good did come out of it. It opened the eyes of many people. Now parents are starting to apologize to their kids and revaluate how they should raise them.

    Article 3:Jullien Gordon made many good point in his speech and he's completely right. College is way more competitive than it used to be because now we're competing with people across the globe. More than half the people that go to college go because somebody told to or everybody else is going. This is one of the reasons why people go to college and are either unsuccessful or unsatisfied with their job. Before you go to college you have to find yourself like Jullien Gordon said. You have to find your passion and what you love to do. I know it's easier said than done, but when you do find it you'll know and nothing will be able stop you from achieving you goal. Your passion is like the keys to your car of your life. Without it your either pushing along or having somebody tow it for you.

  22. Article 1
    Adrian Peterson was not in the right to do it. Should this be any regular person doing this, there wouldn't be any protection for him. I honestly feel that NFL players are getting a big ego because they're aware of the backing they have from the NFL, the same way police have their protection from their employers. Even Peterson's police report sounds like it was done out of a terrible amount of anger. If a video had been released of his "spanking", this would be a different situation, not just having people quoting on it. In the end, sure, a small or single spank, not continuous slaps with a tree branch (which really hurts), is alright. A single, easy tap could get the point across just as much a beating.

    Article 3
    I have to agree that using this "Hashtag Activism" technique is a good way to get the word out there about societal problems but that's the most it could do. Sure, ALS and all of that stuff have succeeded from it's use but it was mainly through teenagers and adults. My grandmother believes that this ASL Ice Bucket Challenge and the use of Facebook or Hashtags to give word about problems is completely stupid, that it's not necessary and I completely agree. The demographic Hashtag Activism doesn't apply to the older population, not liking or not knowing how to use technology in the first place. Even then, the people who do know of it, they don't really do anything about it. I can name many people who've done the Bucket Challenge just to do it or nominate others, not for the intended use of donations or actually helping with it.

  23. Article 2: I agree that it is okay for parents to spank their child for correction however there's a fine line between disipline and abuse. A parent should never hit there child in order to bruise them or purposely cause significant unbareable amount physical pain to them, no excuses. Therefore I believe it was extremely unfair that Adrian thought that it was okay to beat his child with a switch repeated, thats child abuse. Parents should be conveying proper disipline and sturcture, not that it is okay to abuse someone because they think its providing some form of "correction".
    Article 3: # hashtags today are being used for many reasons, people use them to share photos, linking a specific word to a photo, etc. However, hastags have also been used to raise awareness on for very important and critical issue as such the ALS ice bucket challenge. Using hastags honestly made this issue a well known worldwide thing. I do, believe hastags can help raise awareness, however they can also be use for silly things, for instance, instagram. When someone posts a picture of something random like flowers and puts #flowers... yes, we obviously know that there are flowers in your picture.. bravo captain obvious.

  24. Article 3: yes hash tagging is a fun thing to do for anybody and it helps bring a lot of awareness to people around the globe about important issues. But it doesn't always make people pay attention. It can be Avery important issue and just because the hashtag isn't the most popular it won't get the attention it should. Hashtags help people know what's going on around the world. It's like news for social media.

  25. Charles Profit-WilliamsSeptember 30, 2014 at 9:49 AM

    Article 2: i belive that parents should discpline their children but i do not thinkl that it is okay for a parent to beat a child to the point where they have to go to the hosiptal or doctors due to a beating, thats child abuse. Children only know what they are taught so they need to be taught well. i agree with Nicholas` comment when he says that NFL players have big egos becuse they have the backing of the NFL thinking that nothing will happen to them, but they need to be punished especially in this case because the NFL players strength is to strong to be beating a child with.

  26. Charles Profit-WilliamsSeptember 30, 2014 at 9:57 AM

    Article 3: hashtaging is apart of every social network otu there but does it really work? from my stand point i believe that hashtags will bring awareness to what the issue is .. ie #ALSicebucketchallenge, yes it brought alot of attention to the problem and helped raise money for research on the diease. but what about the ones that just do it for fun. nothing is really getting accomplished by ading a # to something. well sometimes it is benifical and other time it isnt.

  27. Article 3:
    This article talks a lot about hashtags and how they are being used on the Internet. The ice bucket challenge raised a lot of money. I mean most things people put up on the Internet don't get recognized as much as this did. Hashtags are very effective it leaves an impact on the people reading it. The ALS Ice bucket challenge was a good way to raise money for a good cause.I agree with this article that any hashtags that are supposed to mean something or raise money is good but you should also figure out other ways to help out.

    Article 2:
    There comes a time when you have to spank your child. I mean just spank them don't beat them or abuse them just a little spank, and you shouldn't spank your child for no reason. I believe in discipline but there's a limit to the way you discipline your child. Some parents do use belts, some people don't find anything wrong with that I Kinda don't but if you leave bruises on the child then I do because that's not right. There's a difference between disciplining your child and abusing your child.

  28. Article 1: I personally feel that women should not boycott the NFL, for mNy reasons. First off, not all the players in the NFL abuse females or commit sexit sexist acts. So boycotting the NFL for just a few players dumb actions is nIve in my opinion. There are other ways to raise awareness on the issue. For example, there is social media, picketing, and much more. Also, if a few females got together to boycott the NFL, there will always be those players who are still going to commit sexist acts towards females.

  29. Article 2: Nothing at all is wrong with spanking. But there should be a certain limit that you do not exceed. What I mean by this is that slapping your child on the bottom is okay, but using twigs, or harmful objects is what makes it abuse. Adrian Peterson whipping his four year old is just cruel and outright child abuse. No human being,that's not a criminal, should be treated like this. His parents might have whipped him with twigs but two wrongs don't make a right.

  30. Article 3: Even though a lot of old time folks aren't big fans of the new technology now a days, hashtagging is a big deal. Its a way to reach use teenagers, and its a great way to spread the word about anything. For example, the #IceBucketChallenge, a lot of people were getting angry because not enough people were donating, they were just having fun pouring ice over their heads. However what they weren't noticing was that, us pouring water over our heads, posting the videos, and hashtagging it raised SO MUCH awareness for ALS. so much awareness that they raised over $8.3 million dollars in ONE DAY. Thats what they're not understanding.

    Article 2: There's nothing wrong with discipling your child. Thats what everyone should do so their child won't grow up to be delinquents. However, there comes a certain point where it becomes excessive. Im sure Adrian whipped his kid for the good, but he may have gone way too far.

  31. This subject is very touchy just like abortion. People for years have different opinions on it but it still doesn't make it right. For me I see no harm I was disciplined with like that also as a child and im just fine. the problem that I have with this case is he hit him so many times he couldn't remember count that not discipline to me . To discipline you need to et a goal I don't think it was the right way to do it.

  32. Article#4/
    Everyone has this idea that going to college to obtain a job including my parents. I get the video I completely understand take myself for instance I honestly didn't want to go to college at first. But having it beat into your head constantly by my parents like success starts with college or else your going to be in your 30s working at mcdonalds . The job situation is what brought me on board a assured job after but now im taking a step back like wait im competing with my whole generation . im still going to college except now I have a whole different outlook on school and success.

  33. Article 2: I don’t think hitting the kid with the stick was a bad thing. Both my mom and dad had that discipline method used on them, and they’re both find. They never abused me, they never get overly aggressive, when I did something wrong, which was very rare, I either got yelled at, spanked or grounded. But they’ve told me all about being beat with a branch. My aunt told me they use to have to go pick the branch themselves and tear the leaves and excess sticks off. She said they knew never to pick the skinny ones because those hurt worse than the thicker ones. So I believe yes it’s okay to punish a kid if they done something wrong and never do more than you know they can handle. Today I look at a lot of 7-11 year old and think to myself if I had acted that way I would have been floored especially if it was in public.

  34. Topic4: This was a very inspirational and influential video. Much of our generation is confused about this whole college thing. They expect a degree out of college to be there ticket to success and its as easy a passing all four years. But thats not the case, just as competitive as it is to get into college its just as competitive to get a job out of college. It takes much more than good grades you have to take advantage of everything college has to over to make you more appealing. I agree 100% with what the speaker was saying. Street smarts is just as important if not more as book smarts. And you must have both to get what you want out of life.
    Article 2: There is a line between child abuse and disciplining your child. I do believe AP was wrong and he should take full responsibility for his actions. No one knows whether he was beating his child out of anger or what the situation was but theres a line that has to be drawn when it comes to disciplining your child. Using objects goes to far anything will hurt a 4 year old you don't have to go and get objects that hurt even more..

  35. Article 2: I understand children have to be disciplined to be taught what’s right from wrong but is there a limit ? Some parents know there limit others don’t. Some parents have different limits from others but if its consistent harsh beatings then there is a problem. You shouldn’t be leaving marks or harming the child to the point of where they are scared of you . Adrian Peterson stated he beat him so many times he lost count. Was it really necessary or is that his definition of discipline ?
    Article 3: Hash tags on social Networks have huge impacts on the world and the people seeing them. In a sad but good way it controls some people and the decisions they make. It could outcome in a bad/good decision depending on what the person wants to follow. Some hash tag could influence bad behavior or start a bad trend that could take over and cause problems all over. It all depends on the hash tag and what is the meaning of it.
