Click on the links below to access this week's Read & Respond articles. Read and respond to AT LEAST TWO of the articles, answering the focus question and commenting on something from your fellow classmates.
ARTICLE 1: A Punch Is Seen, and a Player Is Out
In February, Baltimore Ravens star player Ray Rice was charged with assaulting his wife. An assault is a violent physical attack. Rice received a two-game suspension, and the charges were dropped when his wife refused to testify. On Monday, video footage showing the assault was released by TMZ, and it went viral. The NFL says it never saw the video before Monday. The new footage prompted the NFL to suspend Rice indefinitely, and the Baltimore Ravens cut him from the team.
FOCUS QUESTION: NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell has said that the N.F.L. should be held to a higher standard, but with no legal action against him, was it appropriate for the Ravens to cut Rice from the team? Would things be different if the interior elevator video was never released?
ARTICLE 2: The iPhone 6 Goes Big, as Apple Aims Small With a SmartWatch
Apple announced the new Apple Watch on Tuesday. It won’t be available until 2015, and it’s not the first smartwatch on the market. But Apple has revolutionized the way people use computers in the past with the iPod, iPhone and the iPad, and experts are wondering if they can do the same with the Apple Watch. The Apple Watch will feature a touch screen, and it will bring a lot of the features you see on smartphones to a wearable device. It will include fitness trackers, text notifications and maps.
FOCUS QUESTION: What are the pros and cons of a “smartwatch?”
ARTICLE 3: Obama, in Speech on ISIS, Promises Sustained Effort to Rout Militants
President Obama declared ISIS a terrorist threat that needs to be destroyed. He vowed to increase American involvement in the fight against them. But that doesn’t necessarily mean a return to war. ISIS is a militant group that has been violently seizing cities throughout Syria and Iraq over the past few months. They now control a region that is bigger than many countries. In a televised address, Obama compared ISIS to Al Qaeda, the organization Osama Bin Laden founded. Obama said his plan to combat ISIS in Syria and Iraq would involve airstrikes, sending supplies to rebel fighters and working with nearby nations. But he insisted, “We will not get dragged into another ground war in Iraq.”
FOCUS QUESTION: Is ISIS is a threat to the United States? How should the US deal with this militant group?
Article 2: Its great that we have reached a time where we can have a computer in our pockets or on our wrists, however there will always be negative consequences when new technology emerges. With the new Apple Watch, people are going to have a new distraction when they are driving or walking, its already dangerous enough with all the cars and people trying to get to where they need to be. Another issue that arises with the Apple Watch is security. In the article, Apple’s CEO Timothy D. Cook demonstrates “Apple Pay” which uses the new iPhones and the Apple Watch to pay for things. If you have all your information on a watch, someone could have an easier time stealing a watch over a computer or phone, and now have access to your bank accounts or just learn more about you.
ReplyDeleteArticle 3: The United States should not attack the Islamic Sunni extremists. If this violent group is to be contained, it should be done by the countries affected in the region. The Shia militants and Iran are natural enemies of ISIS, so its best to let them fight it out without our military involvement. Every time we meddle in the affairs of other countries, there are unintended consequences. We should only, while working with the United Nations, intervene to stop genocide or provide humanitarian assistance where needed. However, the United States can not solve the world’s problems, we have a hard time solving our own problems.
Your response to article 2 makes a great point about how the Apple smart watch will be a distraction, especially if you're driving. I don't really agree with your response to article 3. I feel like the United states should be concerned about Isis. Our military is strong and we should use it to help other countries and other people around the world.
ReplyDeleteArticle 2: Well, the Apple smartwatch is taking many ideas from the Pebble watch here So the con is, Pebble CAN sue Apple, but most likely lose. People are distracted enough by their phones, so introducing a watch that can ACT like a phone is not the best idea. And also since Siri is on the Apple watch, people will be talking to it. And of they are walking or driving, their concentration is not on the road. And as Fabrizio said, Apple can learn more about your behavior with buying things on the app store. But this thing also has a few perks, one being that it is the most accurate watch ever made and that it also helps with exercise and workouts. It also seems to be made out of metal, so it won't break as easily as the iPhones do.
ReplyDeleteArticle 3: ISIS is a threat to the United States, but not just us. They are a threat to the entire world. Their mission is to spread chaos and kill as many people doing it. They have already decapitated (I think) four (maybe 3) innocent journalists. Although the Free Syrian Army is fighting ISIS along with Iran, ISIS is still killing innocents. ISIS, not to mention, just released a video today, but they didn't kill the man (yet). The way to neutralize ISIS? Well, dropping bombs over the caves they live in doesn't sound half bad, but I would be seen as a war monger. So, I would say to at least assist the Free Syrian Army and eliminate the threat that is ISIS. Together we should stand as one and eliminate the ISIS threat, if we are divided, we fall and ISIS gets its mission objective.
Article 1: Yes it was appropriate to get Ray Rice off the team. The NFL shouldn't stand for that kind of violence. Honestly he should be put in jail for what he did. A man should never be violent towards a women. If the video never came out he would have still been on the team. At first NFL commissioner Roger Goodell gave Ray Rice a two game suspension. Do we really need to see a video of domestic violence? Facts alone should be enough. In a few hours after the video was leaked Ray Rice was cut off the team, after seven months. This just shows actions speak louder then words.
Article 2:I don't know much about the new Apple smart watch just that it's a computer on your wrist and that it comes out In 2015. So I looked up some facts about the Apple smart watch. New York times describe it as a "miniature computer strapped around the wrist."
Cons: The watch will need the iPhone by its side for it to be fully functional. It cannot be used independently if you want to buy an Apple smart watch you also need an iPhone, which means spending more money.
Pros: people will be able to see what they have on their watch on their phone, and you can also check your email. The Apple Smart watch is great for exercise too.
Article 1: I believe Ray Rice wasn't cut from the Ravens because he beat his wife, I honestly believe he was cut for business and marketing reasons. I mean think about it, who's going to buy a jersey or bobble head of someone who shows that they're not an all-around good person. They'd waste money making all of these items of this NFL star and will not even make half a profit from it. It's all about money. I believe that is a valid reason to cut someone. You can't do whats best for someone else, you have to do what is best for the business as a whole. The sink won't ship if one man goes over. If the video was not released, no action would have been taken to get him off the team. Seeing the way he brutally hit her, really makes a different emotion come over you rather than just hearing about it. YES, we all have our mistakes, but when you're name is known across the country, you MUST, MUST, MUST keep your personal life personal!
ReplyDeleteArticle 2: Technology is just getting better and better, but is it really helping us as people? Don't get me wrong I love technology, but to a certain extent. We as humans are dumbing ourselves down with technology - - slowly but surely. We're becoming so hooked and dependent on technology that it's slowly just going to fail us in the end. We use it for everything, such as simple spelling or mathematical problems. We are becoming too lazy to think. As of now, we actually use 50% of our brain to think. In the next 20-30 years, how much of it we even use?
a3) I feel as though ISIS is a threat to America but at this day in age what isn't a threat somewhere or something. As smart as America is we still take a blind eye to certain things . The only reason I think we are reacting the way we did is the way they were killed because people get killed by terrorists all the time & we don't pay that close attention . Honestly I do not know how to even begin to know how to handle a situation like that I feel like we should call it peace but as a country we have to protect our own . The motto is to get them before they get us but we failed at that so know it's get them worse then they got us .
ReplyDeleteWHO ARE YOU?
DeleteArticle 2: A lot of questions have been brought up in this article like will the sales for the smart watch go up? or will the smart watch benefit the people in this generation? No matter what the answer may be it doesn't really matter. Technology has come a very long way to have a watch the size of a quarter, go online and track down your stats for health and fitness. I believe this is only the beginning even if it may or may not be successful, it has to start some where to get better and I believe the smart watch will set a standard for all technology in this generation. My only problem I see with the smart watch though is how can a screen so small be able to manage so many apps, and be able to go on the internet. I feel the smart watch itself may start off with a few bugs, and internet connection problems just like all new apple products do, but you never know what the future may hold.
ReplyDeleteArticle 3: Barack Obama after being hammered by the people and the press about not having a plan to take on ISIS, the president has recently made a statement outlining his approach to eradicating this terrorist group. ISIS have been spreading their group to almost all parts of Iraq and Syria. ISIS have even went as far in executing American journalist as a threat to the United States. So what is Obama's response? he decides to deploy more troops in Iraq and more aircrafts to bomb the terrorist. In my opinion I do believe ISIS is a threat but the concept of the war in Iraq is a never ending process. I find it very ironic that before Obama was pulling the troops out of Iraq, but now he is just putting back more troops. It really is a never ending cycle that effects the lives of American troops and their families, even Obama said he is risking the lives of American troops by doing this. I certainly don't approve of this method but at the same time ISIS is a threat and it's for the best of the motherland.
article 1: the Baltimore ravens recently cut running back ray rice from the team. ray rice was apart of a domestic violence case this February. although the charges against him were dropped by his wife because she refused to testify against him, he received a two game suspension from the NFL. recently a video of him punching his then fiancee in the face surfaced causing the ravens to cut him from the team. i think at first the ravens weren't going to cut rice from the team because he was never convicted. i believe the video being released is the only reason he was fired because big companies were going take away endorsements from the team and the NFL if he wasn't, so if the video was never released ray rice would still be a Baltimore raven as i type this.
ReplyDeletearticle 3: with the way things are set up now a days with all this technology i believe ISIS can be a global threat to countries all over the world, especially the united states. with social networking and the internet i believe that ISIS could potentially be a bigger threat then Al Qaeda. recently a website created by ISIS contained instructions of how to make a bomb and to target american tourist sites such as times square in New York City. a man in Rochester New York was recently arrested for trying to recruit people to join ISIS and was plotting to kill american troops as they return home from active duty. people are taking this seriously and all it takes is one person to create a bomb and use it to kill many people. so i think the united states should attack ISIS so we aren't just sitting ducks waiting for something catastrophic to happen then attack them.
Article 2: Pros: the smart watch will be more focused on health and fitness. It is a miniature computer strapped around your wrist. Cons: It is more expensive than the Iphones coming out. The Iphone 6 costs $200, the Iphone 6 plus costs $300 and the smart watch costs $350. It has a smaller screen than the Iphones.
ReplyDeleteArticle 3: ISIS is a threat to America because ISIS might Try a massive terrorist attack on america like 9/11. The only way to stop them is to wipe out the ideas they follow, because terrorism is an idea or a thought and any one who follows this idea is a terrorist and anyone can become a terrorist. And to stop the idea from spreading is to eradicate the people spreading this idea
Article2: Apple is a brilliant company, that over the years has changed the world tremendously. The Apple smart-watch is now another new form of technology that I feel is going to hurt the future of other generations.I say this because when I was in school I learned to tell time the old fashion way. Now with this new smart- watch whats the point of even learning how to tell time,when you can just tap your watch to hear Siri tell you what time it is? On the other side this watch could benefit those who are always on the go and don't always have the time to take out of their day to pay their bills. The smart- watch "apple pay" feature could help a lot of business owners who might not always remember to grab their wallets on their way out or for those who simply have a million things to do.
ReplyDeleteArticle1: This article infuriates me because I don't support domestic violence at all! It was very appropriate for the Ravens to cut Ray Rice from the team. Someone who physically abuses someone should not have the privilege to play a national sport and have the support of millions of fans. He really should be band for life because he ruined his career the moment he put his hands on his wife and knocked her unconscious. I think that if the video wasn't released , the N.F.L would have kept the initial suspension of only two days.
Article 1: I agree with NFL commissioner Roger Goodell that the NFL should be held at a higher standard because since the Ray Rice incident there have been many Athletes getting arrested or are in a similar situation. Like Viking"s star running back Adrian Peterson that might go to jail for child abuse and Arizona Cardinal's Jonathon Dwyer that was recently arrested for domestic abuse allegations. some athletes think that their above the law or won't get in trouble because their a rich celebrity, but it doesn't work that way as you cans see. I also think it was appropriate for the Raven's to cut Ray Rice from the team. even though Ray Rice is an essential player to the Raven's, their image is more important. No team wants to be known for having a wife abuser on their team or be criticized about it. If the interior elevator video wasn't released things would have been very different. Hearing and seeing something are two completely different things. If you heard about Ray Rice punching his wife in the elevator you wouldn't think much about it. But if you were to see a video you would have a lot to say on the issue at hand. Even the Raven's head coach Jim Harbaugh said it himself on ESPN. He said that he heard about Ray Rice and everybody has their own problems, but when he saw the elevator video he had to let him go.
ReplyDeleteArticle 2: There are many pros and cons for a smartphone watch. However before that, is it really necessary for us to have one? It's awesome that mankind is always advancing in technology and going beyond their boundaries. But where there is good, there will always be evil. The way we use smartphones today is major part of the way we live today, but that doesn't mean it's exactly gofr us. Hveyou ever tried just silencing your phone for a whole day without getting constant notifications, ringing and beeping. You should feel a connection severed that your sort of missing out on the world working. You'll have a clearer mind and feel better, or at least you should. Many people overwork their minds using smartphones. Therefore if they get a smartwatch it'll just make things worse. On the bright side smartwatches are convenient, hard to loose, a business tool, can be used for health and fitness, and looks cool. The cons are the cost, battery life, people hacking your personal info and a distraction.
Article 1: In a way it was appropriate for the Ravens to cut Rice from the team because they don't want a bad image. Image is a big part in this because if the image is bad their rating will go down. If their rating go down, they will be losing money. They don't want that to happen. When the video was exposed by TMZ, it made Rice look like an abuser. Who likes an abuser? No one. So people would stop supporting the Ravens and that wouldn't be a good thing for them. So by TMZ releasing the video, they had more pressure and they couldn't hide it anymore. If the video wasn't release Rice would have been still living life like nothing happen.
ReplyDeleteArticle 3: ISIS right now isn't a threat to the US. They haven't psychically attacked us or threaten us. United States just wants to meddle in nations affairs that aren't involving them. Just like Fabrizio said " If this violent group is to be contained, it should be done by the countries affected in the region". Their is no point in wasting there time in another nations affairs when they cant even fix problems here. Why waste money and send supplies out there, when we have homeless people living in the street and more problems here. When they can solve these problems, they should do whatever they want but right now they shouldn't be getting involved.
Article 1: There has been too many domestic violence issues that occur in sports today. Domestic violence is a serious issue that should never be considered a "minor" offense in any case. Therefore I do believe the N.F.L was right to cut NFL Rice from the Ravens. However, they were completely wrong to wait until the video was released to address the issue in a serious manner. They should have handled the situation more seriously because its the right thing to do. By doing the right thing in the first place it would've made them look good, because they would've handled their players correctly and discipined then accordingly as regular people and not "star" athletes. Regardless of whether the video was release the N.F.L should be responsible for all their players and their players actions well before the media knows about it.
ReplyDeleteArticle 2: When compared to an iPhone the new Smart-watch seems to be lacking in some aspects. True it may have been designed with the idea of fitness in mind, however outside that demographic most people will buy it for the novelty of having a miniature watch strapped to their wrist. People carry their phones everywhere now any way so it does not make technology intrude into our daily routines any further. (Although it may start to show our unhealthy addiction to our circuited friends...)
ReplyDeleteNow for Article 3, this is about a sensitive topic that deserves to be looked at from as many viewpoints as possible. Now as far as posing a threat goes, well- That seems to be one of their abilities. (More so for the local populace.) Although they can harm the United States if they get edgy enough. Sadly for the military complex I think its going to take more than a few bombs to defeat this IDEA known as ISIS. (ISIS is not a country but rather a concept people get violent about.) In fact just attacking this area again will only create another power vacuum that will allow another organization like ISIS to grow in the chaotic environment. However first the history an politics of the area need to be understood BEFORE a effective response can be made.
Article 2: I completely agree with Fabrizio when speaks about both the positives and negatives or the Apple watch. Yes this watch is a totally new invention in itself but is also has a very high potential for accidents. Accidents such as a person walking into the streets without noticing the fast pace of the car headed right toward them because they were to intrigued by their brand new Apple watch. Also, I believe the more items they invent the more cool gadgets and apps they try to put into the item therefore increase the dangers of that item. For instances, radiation which may possibly cause cancer depending on how much a person is exposed to it, which hopefully will never be the case.
ReplyDeleteArticle 2: How great does it sound to have a computer on your wrist. Probably one of the best things ever made. It's a faster and cooler way to communicate with everyone around you. Apple Watch allows you do everything an iPhone can. Text, Call, Find Directions, Even take pictures. Who wouldn't want to spend their money on this? Of course something so great, always come with negative effects to the people buying this new source of technology. The problem in the United States today is texting and driving. the new Apple watch is just going to be a new distraction in the human eye. this may cause more accidents on the road or even walking across the street.I also agree with Fabrizio, that with all our information on the watch, people may want to steal and make it easier to steal identities.
ReplyDeleteArticle 3: I dont think ISIS is a threat to the United States.I dont think Obama should be getting involved in other countries issues only because it is not our fight to get involved in. The United States has it's own problems we should be trying to fix , not bringing other countries problems into our hands. It is creating even more problems to the United States . if we get involved in involved in Shia & Iran's fight , the ISIS may then be a threat to the United States. they should be stopped by the people who are being affected. If Obama tries to get involved in a fight that has nothing to do with us , we will just be asking for another war.
I believe that yes it was appropriate for the Ravens to cut Rice from the team for several of reasons; it shows that there is equality between people who have fame & those who don't. It was a fair consequence & allowing Rice to continue playing would only show the public how the court system allows there to be exceptions for people with fame. If the video of Rice was never released out to the public I do believe that matters would have been substantially different. Consequences for the player would not have been so harsh. The video would have been kept private and most likely would have never been out to the public for not only protecting the name & reputation of the team but for also game purposes since this is the beginning of the season & rice is the star running back for the Baltimore Ravens.
ReplyDeleteFrom news broadcastings & to reading articles about ISIS; this terrorist group I do believe is a threat to the United States due to their actions that will abrupt & upset not only our government but also the citizens of the United States to retaliate & take physical action. The US should deal with the militant group in a smart but yet powerful & strong way that will stop them from harming our country. The only way we can do this by gaining more knowledge & thinking like a militant.
ReplyDeleteI believe that Ray Rice deserved to have been cut from the Ravens football team because he commited a crime, which is a disgrace to the NFL. If an average person was to have done something like this and a video was to get out there, it is a high possibilty that the person would face severe consequences. I think that he should face severe consequences as well. If the video was not put out there, things would be much different because I believe the NFL would keep it a big secret and act like it never happened. He wouldnt have been cut off the team and he wouldnt have all this negative publicity.
ReplyDeleteAriticle 1: I feel that the Ravens were right for cutting Ray Rice off of the team. The same thing he did to his wife is the same thing he could do to his team mates. In the article it stated that charges where brought up upon him in March which shows he has done this before over and over. He should be charged as a normal person and not get special treatment due to who he is. I believe that his wife is scared to escape the marriage and I feel that he forced his wife to get married to him because she couldn't testify in court and so police wouldn't question her about her past with Ray. I feel she is trying to escape from Ray but she can't because she probalby thinks that there is nothing that can be done to help her. Ray Rice should have a more serve punishment, ordinary people are getting killed because they are stealing candy and right now he is probally planning what country he wants to visit tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteArticle 3:
I feel that Mr. Cook doesn't have any ideas like Jobs, Cook basically is copying what Samsung has made already. Mr.Cook is steps behind Samsung, he shows nothing new for 2014 its just the same thing Samsung, like the ios 8, nothing is really new just the same thing with a little bit of new things, which looks like he did it the day before. For Example, the Iphone 6 plus is 4 inches bigger then the Galaxy S5, this was predictable, any Iphone user would have predict this would happen. I feel that the apple watch is going to be exactly like the Samsung watch with just Apple formate.
I do believe that ISIS is a threat to the United States because they are a terrorist group and according to a news reporting recently, they have a plan to attack Times Square. We cant sit back and let something happen again. Now that we know what can happen and what these terrorists groups are capable of, there should be something put in place to ensure that something like this will ever happen again.I believe that it is a big risk to send militants where the terrorists groups are, but I thionk that there should be missiles launched in their location, or something else. But I dont believe that a way to save people's lives, is to put other's life at a huge risk.
ReplyDeleteArticle 1
ReplyDeleteIt was a good idea for the Ravens to cut Rice from the team. Once the video and the news broke out from where it was hidden, many would call out to the NFL Players Administration, saying they aren't handling this sort of problem correctly. Before the video was released, they only had Rice on a two-game suspension and the court case's evidence on the matter was only a bruise and word of mouth, which his fiancée wouldn't and still hasn't testified against him. Which as the article says, was too lenient. With this being released, many of the other cases of NFL player domestic abuse are coming to light. This could show that either the NFL teams were being too easy and protecting their players as the Police does for their own or that they're avoiding problems by actually abiding by the rules and doing something about it once it happens.
Article 2
Some pros of a smartwatch are you could easily access the capabilites with not having or forgetting your smartphone. Maybe with the health apps that read how many steps you take, they could be more accurately read as some smartphones or devices seem to have trouble with it. Also, who wouldn't want some "blinged out" watch screen that tells you the time?
Some cons are that you need to charge it like a phone and if the magnetized charge area of the watch is somehow demagnetized, you're out of luck. Since it is a watch, even if it's built like a phone, the strap could break or you could still crack the face of it, just like a regular watch. Also, there isn't exactly a need for a watch with smartphone capabilites if you were to have a smartphone that could give you the time and everything just the same if not in an easier way.
Article 1: no it was not appropriate for the Ravens to cut Rice from the team. His personal life should stay his personal life. yes bwhat he did was with a doubt, wrong, but that shouldnt affect his career. His wife still married him so obviously she didnt really care so why should we? Things would be different if the interior elevator video was never released. They didnt want to suspend him before so whats the difference now?
ReplyDeleteArticle 3: ISIS is a threat to the United States. They are even trying to persuade others in the US to help them. On the news it was a case of a man living in the US, sending weapons to them. We have to nwatch out and be careul. The US needs to protect and get better security.
Article 1: I think that if the footage wasnt released that things wouldnt be the same because Ray Rice would still be playing. I dont think the Ravens were wrong at all for suspending Rice from the team for what he did. He needs to take responsibility.
ReplyDeleteArticle 2: Smart Watch PROS: its a huge step in technology, convenient, help with other things such as health and fitness, and you dont have to hold it. Smart Watch CONS: easier to break because you can easily bang on hit your hand which can cause an easy crack, even more of a distraction, and its also in my opinion an unessisary object. if we do have those option on our smartphones.
Article 2: PROS: I believe that the Smart Watch that Apple is going to release in 2015 is cool. Once people have the Smart Watch they wont have to worry about losing their phones, Misplacing it, or dropping it. I also think that there hands would be more free. CONS: The Smart Watch might seem cool and awesome, But at the same time its bad. Its bad because i'm pretty sure that people are going to be using their Smart Watches while driving, And it can cause a serious injury or death.
ReplyDeleteArticle 3: I don't think that ISIS is a threat to the United States yet, they haven't done nothing to us yet, Their issues are with other countries, We are not involved in it, If President Obama sends Air strikes, Then ISIS would want to attack the US.
Article 2: Im not the best with electronics, but i do know a few things about radiation and skin cancer. And some cons about having a smart watch is that, it is "SMART". meaning that scientist have created this thing to do bigger and better things, like fetch data from God knows where. And to get this data, rays are ejecting from this smart watch, and as you know a watch is constantly on someones wrist. All the rays coming out fro the watch will go straight into your arms, just like from a laptop or microwave, which can cause some serious problems in the future. For example, skin problem, arthritis, or even cancer. And some pros are that it's freaking cool lol
ReplyDeleteArticle 3: I think the ISIS threat is pretty serious. I've watched some news reporters recently on TV and i've never seen anyone, even the president, sound as worried as they did. Some reporter even told us that we SHOULD be worried, so that definitely freaked me out a bit. Im not sure about all the fighting techniques and weapons we use at war but i say use everything that you can to keep this terrorist group out.
Article 1: Rice is a representative of the ravens, what he does in football and outside of football affects the organization in a bad/good way depending on what he does. Putting your hands on a women is wrong no matter what, men always has the advantage of being bigger and stronger. He could have restrained himself from putting his hands on her he went about it the wrong way so now he has to face the consequences. Yes, I do feel that it was a good decision to suspend him from the team because he is now representing them in a bad way and giving them a bad look. Keeping him on the team would make it look like they it is okay to put your hands on a woman.
ReplyDeleteArticle 2: There is both pros and cons of the Apple watch. It’ll be easier to have and carry around then a apple phone. its more fashionable so you can have certain colors and sizes . The only thing that’s bad about it is the fact that you have to charge it. Nobody would think to charge their watch.
Article 3: I understand that Isis is a threat to the U.S and our citizens but we can’t just go around killing anyone we THINK is a threat not really knowing or not. Going on a killing rampage just because we may be in danger will only make things worse, create more enemies and cause more war. Getting involved with others problems not knowing what’s really going on will make us more of a target . I understand we have and need allies but certain things should just be left alone when it comes down to the whole country being in jeopardy