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Wednesday, November 30, 2011


At this point in our research paper journey MOST of you (and by most, I mean 99.9%) should have read AT LEAST one book and/or gathered a decent amount of information about your topic. It's time to start cataloging your sources and expanding your information search. As your search widens and your knowledge grows, it's incredibly important to keep track of ideas, theories, statistics, etc..
This is NOT a project that can be completed in a week, a weekend, or over the course of a very long night. You MUST commit to this as the guiding project of your 2nd quarter English class and understand that it is a requirement for this course as a whole.

That being said, we need to be EXTREMELY CLEAR about the seriousness of ORIGINAL THOUGHT... and the unethical practice of PLAGIARISM.

Study Like a Scholar!


Monday, November 7, 2011

Read & Respond (Week 9) DUE MONDAY 11/14

Here are the Read and Respond articles for Week 9. As always, read each article and choose AT LEAST 2 to summarize and analyze.

How widespread is the problem of harrassment among students in schools? How can schools combat this issue?

Corporal Punishment in the Classroom?!

Did this Texas judge go too far?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Read & Respond (Week 8) DUE MONDAY 11/7/11

Here are the links for Week 8. You are required to read ALL of the articles and respond to AT LEAST 2 of them on loose-leaf paper. You should be SUMMARIZING the information and then ANALYZING the topic with a PERSUASSIVE opinion. As always, you are required to write in blue or black ink, and your responses should be AT LEAST a page in length!!!

Student-athletes and "pay-to-play"

Steve Jobs's Last Words

Art or controversy?