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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Kohl's Scholarship Information

Click on the link below to access information on the Kohl's volunteer-based scholarships.
Kohl's Scholarship

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

James Joyce Links

Below is a link to an audio version of "Araby."
Audio Link for "Araby" by James Joyce

Your notes and quiz questions (with answers) are due by Thursday. Quiz will be on Friday!
James Joyce Video Biography

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Week 9 Read & Respond (NEW SEMESTER!)

Respond to at least 3 of the following topics/issues. Instructions for responding to the links can be found in the previous blog post. Questions? As always, just ask! Happy viewing/reading/opining!

View the following video from this week's "60 Minutes" and respond to one or more of the issues raised in the story.
Where "Selma" Meets Hollywood

Should there be more of an investigation into the circumstances surrounding this stunning discovery before moving forward with the manuscript's publication? 
'Mockingbird' Sequel Prompts High Hopes--and Controversy

How big of a deal is this? Was his on-air apology enough, or should Williams resign? What if the inquiry finds no further issues of mis-remembering?
Brian Williams Faces "Fact-Checking" Inquiry at NBC
UPDATE! Brian Williams Suspended

Should Super Bowl ads mostly/only entertain, or is there room for more serious messages, such as the Nationwide commercial? What about the other "serious" spots?
Super Bowl Commercials Go For Heart, Not Just Funny Bone

Read & Respond Instructions

Here's a quick guide for how to respond to the Weekly Read & Respond assignments.

Links are generally posted on Sunday nights and students have a week in which to read the material and post  their responses.

Responses should be AT LEAST one extensive paragraph (5-8 sentences) per article/link AND use text-based evidence (quotes, paraphrasing, etc.) to support each position. You should also read what other students are saying and respond to their thoughts with constructive words of your own. You can agree, disagree, and/or simply point out something you found interesting from another student response.

To add your responses, follow the following steps:

  1. Click on the COMMENT space at the end of the blog post. (A blank "Post a Comment" box should open up.) 
  2. Type your response in the comment box (or cut and paste it from your email or a Word doc)
  3. Choose "Student/URL" from the "Comment as" section when you are ready to submit your writing. 
  4. Type your First and Last Name (no URL is needed) and hit "Continue." 
  5. Click on the PUBLISH button, prove you're not a robot, and hit Publish again. 

Your comments will be posted once I read them and approve them for the site. (Comments will be posted within 3 days of receipt.) You should see a message stating that your comment has been submitted and will be posted once it is approved. (If you do not see this message, most likely your response has not gone through. This is why I suggest that you type your responses in an email or a Word doc-- so that you have them as a back up and can at least email it to me before the deadline so as not to lose credit.)

Happy reading, thinking, and communicating!!!