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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

James Joyce's "Araby" and John Updike's "A&P"

See below for a link to James Joyce's short story, "Araby."
"Araby" Text

Here is a link to a pdf file for the John Updike short story, "A&P."

Students should read, annotate and analyze the story before answering the questions handed out in class.

Friday, April 25, 2014


Hi folks!
There seems to be a large amount of absences today, and my Gmail inbox is pretty empty, so that means a whole mess of incomplete grades!!! The 8-10 typed drafts were assigned at the beginning of the month with today's required deadline and before that, it was written on the board as a constant reminder to start typing those 2nd drafts.

This is 4th quarter and failure to meet the requirements can and will result in an incomplete grade which would mean summer school attendance and delayed graduation! Don't let "senioritis" be your downfall!

Work that is handed in/emailed after your scheduled class meeting time is late and will be graded as such. Late and/or incomplete work is an incredibly serious thing at this stage in your academic lives.

Questions? Feel free to email me: ms.k.keenan(at)

Monday, April 7, 2014

Email Your Future Self!

Here's a link to a site where you can compose a private email to be sent to your "future self!" Think about writing another "letter" to yourself and make some goals, predictions, and hopes for the future. You'll forget you even did it until the email appears a year later (or however long you choose).

REMEMBER: setting goals is the first step to ACCOMPLISHING goals!

Email Your Future Self!

Thursday, April 3, 2014


Attention British Literature classes!

Due to tomorrow's afternoon assembly, the next 5 Senior Memory Book drafts will be due on MONDAY, April 7th!

NOTE: The Prologue and Epilogue are NOT a part of the required 25-30 pieces. They can only be completed when all of your 25-30 pieces are finished. We will go over the specifics of the Prologue and Epilogue in class.

Don't forget to complete the starred (*) required pieces.
Here is a link to the "Where I'm From" assignment to help guide your writing. A good way to start it would be to complete a free-write about where and what you're from in your marble notebooks and then see if you'd like to turn it into a final poem or prose piece.
"Where I'm From" poem

ALSO, students should continue to view "Shakespeare High" in class, and use notes to address the bullet topics in a 2-3 page paper due on TUESDAY, April 8th. Papers do not need to be typed, but your in-class notes must be handed in, attached to the back of your paper.

BUT WAIT... there's MORE!
We'll be opening our 1st quarter letters on Monday! Be there or be square.

As always, feel free to email me.

Happy writing!