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Monday, December 8, 2014

Week 8 Read & Respond

DIRECTIONS: Respond to at least 2 of the following articles, making sure that you support your position with information from the text in the form of direct quotes and/or paraphrasing. All responses are due by Sunday, December 14th.

This week's prompts are courtesy of Flocabulary's "Week in Rap."

Article 1: How do you feel about the recent grand jury decisions?
A Week Later, Protests Remain Vocal on Ferguson...

Article 2: Do you think Lauten should have resigned? Explain.
GOP Aide Resigns Over Criticism of Obama Daughters

Article 3: Do you think segregated classrooms are a good idea? Explain.
Old Tactic Gets New Use: Public Schools Separate Girls and Boys


  1. Article 1: I am very upset about the recent jury decision on Eric Gardeners death. This should prove to everyone that the police force is not really there with the interest of the protection of people at mind. Or should I say the protection of minority races. What upsets me is that there was evidence that the police officers were choking him and caused his death but he still wasn't found guilty. I believe that there should continue to be protests by educated/ intelligent people so that there could be a positive change in the way that we the people are treated.I hope that things like this does not happen again. Also many people in society see black people as minority groups because some of us don't live a good lifestyle. More of us need to get educated, and become the doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs that can bring a change to this discriminating world.

  2. Article 2: I do believe that Elizabeth Lauren should have resigned because she clearly doesn't have respect for authority. One of my teachers told me this, " You don't have to like the person in authority but you do have to have respect them. So it was completely out of place for her to make these comments about the presidents daughters and the President and wife . If she can't be respectful towards authority and knows whats right from wrong, then how can she assist in running the country. This goes back to the point of the police officers. There are police officers who are not responsible and has issues but are still licensed officers. Because of this, crazy things happen similar to the Eric Garner, Michael Brown cases.

  3. Article 1: The recent grad jury decision against Mike Brown was pretty understanding to me, because all the testimony's that were made didn't help Mike Browns case. Also, the testimony's that were made had to be applied to the law, therefore they made their decision based upon that. In Eric Garner's case however, NO justice was served AT ALL! That was clearly police brutality and NOTHING was done about it. The police officer used a tactic that was dismissed from police action and he did it anyway. That is why he should be charged. If he would've followed proper procedure, Eric Garner would've still been here today. I do wish the problem with African-American men being killed by police would decrease, but if the cops keep getting away nothing will prosper from this. People will continue their chants and actions for equality. I do not even believe its a white on black crime, I just feel like the police are getting away with too much.

    Article 2: Lauten should've resigned. She made a complete clown out of herself, and now that she done that, nobody will support anything she has to say. How can you make something of yourself, especially in politics, when you're falsely talking about someones kids? The judgments were very cruel to those young girls. I believe she resigned because she knew that there was no hope for her in this work field anymore after her comments. Everyone will now have an image on who she is and how she really is and no one, or VERY few people will listen to someone like her.

    Article 3: I think segregated classrooms are a bad idea. I feel that kids will not get an experience of how to act around the other sex if they are not around them. Children must grow up and learn how to act around the other person, but if they're not, then how will they learn? I do not believe being around the other gender will affect learning. If you're a focused person, you will be a focused person no matter who you're brought around. If you're not a focused person, you won't be focused no matter who is around. When you separate the children from each other I believe they will pick up on the problem and start to wonder why they're not allowed to be around others. I feel that kids should be exposed to different things and people around them. That's how kids will learn how to act around each other; by being exposed to each other.

  4. Article 1: To be honest, I feel the world we live in isnt very considerate at all, and you can see this through the many cases we had. What makes these similar cases the same and really dangerous are that the more you hear about it the more numb you feel about the law. People will go all out to protest but the next day they just forget about it fully, and in my opinion probably 30% of the protestors just protested and rioted because its one of those trends that are popular when its not meant to be a trend at all. People only see these cases are about a white cop gunning down a black man, thats what the media portrays; but in reality with a deeper analysis it shows you that the person with the most power always wins despites what skin color or race you are, and thats something we desperately need to change.

  5. Article 3: I find it interesting to read this article because you know for a fact that in a room with a bunch of rowdy boys, no work will be getting done, nor will any of the students pay attention and that pertains to girls as well. I believe we need coed classrooms because it creates more diversity amongst students, and with that will give you more ideas because girls think different than boys and vice versa. I feel that seperating geneders has nothing to do with being sexist, but I do believe that seperating genders in a class is okay but there will be repercussion with that being said.

  6. Article 2: In my opinion, Elizabeth Lauten did the right thing to resigned. She was someone that everybody looked up too. Until she made a comment about the president's daughters. It wasn't something that a communications director would do or say. Why insult them, they are teenagers who has nothing to do with her. She is an adult and she should have know what she was doing was wrong. She was just acting immature for her age. If she didn't resigned, she would have been kicked out either way.

    Article 3: Segregated classrooms aren't a good idea. Both sex should be combined because if you put one sex in one room they would have many things in common. For explain, boys love sports so they would be talking about sports the whole time. Most likely friends will be together and that would cause a lot of noise in the classroom. "I do not believe being around the other gender will affect learning. If you're a focused person, you will be a focused person no matter who you're brought around." I agree with what Alexis is saying. Different sex doesn't affect how you learn. It all depends on the person.

  7. Article 2: Elizabeth Lauten should not have resigned from her position as communications director to Republican Stephan Fisher of Tennessee. Even though she criticized the President’s daughters, and later the President himself, who cares. Everyone should be entitled to their own opinions and should be free to express them as they please, so long as no physical harm comes from doing so. So what if she spoke negatively of the President and his daughters, why should it matter, if she’s good at what she does, then she should not have to resign based off her beliefs or what she has said. Everyone should be free to do what you want and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.

    Article 3: I feel like having segregated classes based on gender isn’t the best idea. I agree with what Alexis says how these children will not know how to act around the opposite sex if they don’t grow up together in the same classroom. The schools that have started implementing single-sex classes have also shown decreases in disciplinary infractions and bullying, while also showing an increase in test scores. Now these are all positive immediate effects from these new types of classrooms, but there are still possible negative long term consequences from these same sex classes, it is still unknown what will happen to the children in these classes, if they are unable to interact with the opposite gender during the early stages of life where children start to develop social skills, this could have a large impact on our society.

  8. Article 1. There have been many cases were people have experienced police brutality and have died. Why is it in Ferguson when this young man was shot everyone is ready to stand up? Why did other cases of police brutality not get as much attention as this one? Its strange when you think about it, their was probably a case very similar to this one and it did not get as big as Ferguson. some people do truly care about the injustice that took place and some people don't and say they do, like the people who went rioting and just hurt the community and made all the supporters and protesters that were protesting peacefully look bad, and some people just jump on like it is a trend not really caring about what these protesters are standing for. What i am trying to say is that it is great to see people protesting peacefully and showing that they truly care.
    Article 3. I am going to be honest I don't care if genders are split in class rooms because I think the people deciding if they want their kids in same gender classes is the parents. It should not be required, but it is good for parents to have the option if it is available and it is their kids and they decide how they are educated. I don't think that it will work in older grades, but I see nothing wrong with this being executed in younger grades.

  9. Article 1: It great to hear about the actual protesters now instead of only looters and rioters, but I guess that was just sensationalized news. Anyhow this is a very serious issue that needs to be addressed sooner rather than later. However it is more of a legal thing than anything else in the end. Truly if we had a more specialized procedure to indict cops who do abuse the right to use lethal force perhaps things would be different right now, and protests about that would not be needed. Sadly we also need to address the problem of if these officers were properly screened or had enough training. Also we need to find out if police training around the country is equal or not, which can end up explaining a lot. Because if this cop did turn out to improperly screened or trained, it could explain why the situation turned out the way it did. Because the man simply could have panicked under the pressure he was not accustomed or conditioned for in this high stress line of work.
    Article 3: Well this an interesting development however I may have a bit of bias on this topic because I did have to go to a small private school for my grade school years. During my maybe.... 8-9 years there I spent the whole time with the same small group of kids. And it might as well be separate gender because the girls would group together in one place, and the boys in another. I personally was not a huge fan of the static social atmosphere and how it did substantially limit the different people I could talk to or compete against grade wise. But I made do because I did not know any better until I transferred to a larger school system and had the ability to be exposed to new people and opinions. It was this exposure to new ideas be it from a male or female that helped me grow as a person in a way that the small knit and organized community in the private school never could. So do I believe these type of classrooms are a good idea? No, it only limits the interactions that students can have with one another, and can lead to awkward teenagers that do not know how to talk to the opposite sex. While also limiting the child's sense of how many types of viewpoints exist and how to deal with them.

  10. Article 1: I think the Michael Brown case, has caused a lot of outrage and violence, within a matter of one bullet and one gun. We don't know what exactly happened except for those that who were there. "Your peace is violence" is a powerful quote because were basing this statement on what we what to believe really happened that night of the shooting. I am very angry at the officer that did tis and didn't get any punishment , but I cannot be made at the entire Ferguson police department because they weren't the ones to pull the trigger that night.

    Article 3: I think separating classrooms based on gender is absurd. How will the opposite sexes know how to operate with each other when they have to work together. That would be unrealistic because females and males wouldn't even know how to co-exist , probably let alone be attracted to the opposite sex. I think that the percentage of same sex marriages would increase and if that were to happen how would we evolve as a world, no new life would be created out of these same sex marriages. Separating genders is not the smarting thing to do for society and for the future.

  11. Article 1: Honestly, its blown up beyond proportion. Another person died, someone dies everyday whether it be natural or unnatural causes. The grand jury decision gives people the right to think that they can break their towns. From an economist point of view, its useless and doesnt send a message, it just raises their tax dollars. Good job Ferguson keep it classy. Also need I forget, a man in Florida got beaten to death with hammers by a black teen and a Mexican teen, the man was white. If the roles were reversed, this would be the biggest story in the USA. Link for that here. The grand jury could have at least had the police on manslaughter. But the court system is different for the police, as is for drugs and other substances. Read this article here, and let me know what you think, and reverse the races, then tell me.

    Article 3: Separating boys and girls? What is this, the sixties? I would just like to state that keeping boys together is a really bad idea. They would get too rowdy. The excuse for doing this is complaints of sexism. In third graders right? Thought so... So it seems that it looks good grade wise, but the kids will never learn to socialize with others of opposite sex.

  12. Article:2 The comment Lauten made on Facebook about the Obama daughters was ignorant and foolish on her part. She cost herself not only her job,but all the respect she had while she obtained in the the republican party. Even if lauten was right on how the daughters dressed,she had no right to post it on facebook for the whole world to see. She should've approached the president in a professional manner and discuss her issue or problem at hand.

    Article 3: I do not think segregated classrooms are a good idea. Separating girls from boys has many pros and con's,but the pros outweigh the con's substantialy. If u take away girls from boys,your also taking away diversity, creativity and the drive the opposite sex provides. In the article it said that girls are a distraction. However they can also be a catalyst for boys to start studying and succeeding in that class. If a boy liked a girl in the same class he would strive to do his best and impress the girl.

  13. Nicholas EncarnaciĆ³nDecember 14, 2014 at 11:00 PM

    Article 1
    I don't agree with the Grand Jury decisions but I also don't agree with the actions people take from this. These die-ins and walkouts certainly are an interesting way to grab people's attention but not always in good ways. Students and even teachers come out during school hours and obstruct traffic. Again, good idea for attention, bad idea for other reasons. Gladly, the Ferguson Commission helped bring people like this together for a less obstructive resolution.

    Article 3
    Segregated classrooms could be a good idea but there is little to no data to help it. Social scientists do say that some grading averages have improved slightly but what's to say about any future problems? With the students not having any interaction with the opposite sex, they could become socially inept or possibly worse. Critics and physiologists say that the separation of sexes would only perpetuate stereotypes, not helping towards any social problems at all.

  14. Article 3: I think separating boys in girls in school is a good way to raise grades from both genders and improve behavior. What they said is true boys try to impress girls and girls try to impress boys.. If you separate them there wont be any of that. Its less of a distraction. I think students would be more of themselves also because they wouldn't care about how they'll be looked at by the other gender as much. In school most girl fights are over boys and most boy fights are over girls. Separating genders will erase all of the unnecessary stuff and focus on whats really important.

  15. I think it is a great thing that people are still protesting in the streets and showing that they still care. I went to church last week and the moral of the service was persistent protest equals positive results. The pastor told a story about how a lady in biblical times wanted justice to be served to her. So she stood outside of the courtroom each and everyday until the judge would see her. This judge was an unjust judge who only took cases unless there was an incentive for himself. And at these times woman had no power at all. But he got so annoyed at the lady that he finally gave her what she wanted just so she'll go away. If we want things to be changed then we cant just protest one or two days and go home. We have to keep protesting till we get what we want and thats whats happening now.

  16. Article 1-I believe that the grand jury decision is wrong , there are laws protecting the law enforcers and some need to be changed , how is a person in a choke hole and there is nothing wrong with that. Police training needs to change because it seem like the way they were trained is killing more and more people. The aggressive force some cops use is unnecessary. Due to lack of education many people in this society don't know what to do but the ones that are educated need to find an alternative so less deaths occur.

    Article 3: I believe separating children in there learning environment is not a good idea because when black people and white people were separated. There were no different ideas made just chaos, it only made some people act as if their race was the best, there was no equality, ideas will be made on one side causing chaos between the two I think the same issues will arise. There is going to be more gays and more lesbians due to the hatred developed in many causing population to decrease dramatically. I just believe it's not a good idea at all.
